Friday, August 16, 2013

First Day of School!

Last year I home schooled Ella. I winged it. All alone. it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. But in the end I think we both loved it. Then I learned of this awesome school, where she could attend 2 days a week and stay home with me 3 days a week. The school teaches all of the concepts, we reinforce at home. Sign me up! So Tuesday was her first day. And she loved it! She wanted to go again the next day.

Dropping Sissy Off

It's going to be a long wait for her until Tuesday comes again. Something fun- she already knows half of her class already! Somehow her particular class is full of children from our church.That has made the transition much easier for her. As for the drop off- I only cried before we left. When I saw her in her cute uniform. She is blossoming into such sweet young girl. We are all so excited to see what this year holds!

Ella on her very first, first day of school (2 years old), and this year, almost 7. Growing fast!

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