After 7 weeks of hard work our little girl can swim! She took part in the ISR program, which teaches infant survival swimming to children as young as 6 months. It is incredible to watch how quickly the little ones pick it up. Living in a state with water everywhere, we knew we wanted E in this program ASAP. While it doesn't drown-proof your child, it certainly adds another layer of protection against it. I highly recommend this program to everyone. These photos are from E's last day where they swim in their clothes- to simulate a real life situation. She did great!Swimming to the wall

Holding on the wall after swimming to it

Floating-her favorite!

All done! Such a big girl!!!
that is seriously incredible - wow... tr
Those pics are great! I am still amazed that she can swim. We'll have to watch her in action in October.
I'm so jealous! And totally want to teach Sarah how to swim now! -debby
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