Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Crafty Little Weekend

Those of you who know me well, know that crafty is one thing I am not. I don't know what struck me, but I saw this sweet little unfinished rocker at Michael's and thought, I can paint it for E! And paint it I did. I must say I'm pleased with the result. Up next- a fabric covered bulletin board for the "big girl room."
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Thursday, June 19, 2008


After 7 weeks of hard work our little girl can swim! She took part in the ISR program, which teaches infant survival swimming to children as young as 6 months. It is incredible to watch how quickly the little ones pick it up. Living in a state with water everywhere, we knew we wanted E in this program ASAP. While it doesn't drown-proof your child, it certainly adds another layer of protection against it. I highly recommend this program to everyone. These photos are from E's last day where they swim in their clothes- to simulate a real life situation. She did great!
Swimming to the wall
Holding on the wall after swimming to it
Floating-her favorite!

All done! Such a big girl!!!

Mama's Dress

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E wearing an old baby dress of mine. So special.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Silly Little One

The Best of Friends

The Finger Painting Experiment

I decided to give finger painting a try the other day. It was obvious pretty quickly that E is not quite ready. The first thing she did after I dipped her fingers in paint was eat it. We didn't get very far in our painting adventure. Maybe in another month or 2?

Put the paci back in to stop the paint eating.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

New Pool=Lots of Summer Fun!

Nonni and Popop bought E a baby pool today. She loves it.

New Skill?

This is how I found E after both of her naps yesterday...she has never done this before. Always full of surprises!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Baby Stuff

Due to baby Georgia's recent visit we've had more baby stuff out lately. And E will do anything she can to get into it! We found her in the booster seat- somehow she stuffed herself in with the tray firmly in place. She is one determined little munchkin!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sweet Baby Georgia

My best friend Brandi, husband Damon and sweetest baby ever, Georgia came down for a visit last weekend. It was a quick trip, but as always, so wonderful to see them! It was especially fun spending quality time with their new addition Georgia. She has grown so much in the 3 months since I last saw her. Below some attempts at some shots of our two. I don't know how people photograph babies for a living!

Smothering G in kisses!

Best Friends in the Making

We love and miss you Aunt Brandi and Georgia!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Tennessee Aquarium

Next stop after Coolidge (and Clumpies), the Tennessee Aquarium! Another first for E-it was a hit! Fishies are another current favorite of hers. She couldn't get enough of them...

Mesmerized by penguins w/ cousin Luke.

More penguins.


This is so much fun mama!

Uncle Timmy

E loves her Uncle Timmy!


Our day at Coolidge included E's very first Merry-go-Round ride. She absolutely loved every minute of it! She did not want to be done...