Last weekend E and I journeyed to Pittsburgh to visit lots and lots of family-aunts, uncles, cousins and more. As always we thoroughly enjoyed spending time with our loved ones who we rarely see- including E's great-grandfather, a real treat!
E with cousins Cassie and Chelsea
E and cousin Lilly
Cousins Casey and Lilly
Having fun w/ cousin Tanner
Loving her Great-Grandpap
that look she is giving Tanner? LOVE IT!! :) tr
Aww this is so cute am missing out...i love you all and miss you guys. kaki give ella my love from me. tell uncle tim and aunt sherri and everybody else i said hi love and miss them...Always thinking of all of you...hope to see u guys in fl or pa soon...muwahs..
Cousin Kim
Hello family. I love seeing the photos. I sure do miss all of you. Am always thinking of everybody. Give my love to ella and the rest of the family. Lots of kisses to her and huggs. Hope to see all of you from pa to fl soon. Love you muwahs...
Cousin Kim D.
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