I love this photo (taken by the hubs). E got her very own "lipstick" in her stocking tonight. She loves it. I have to remind her to only put it on her lips. We're learning.
And in other news, a new hat for Ella. And it has actually been cool enough for her to wear. For several days now. She wants to wear it everywhere. We drew the line at church.
This morning we went to one of our favorite little breakfast places- DeLeon Springs. It's an awesome old FL natural setting with beautiful springs and an old sugar mill that has been converted into a pancake place, complete with built in griddles on your table to make your own pancakes. It's great food and a great little family experience. Especially when it's cold out.
Over the last several months E's little imagination has exploded. It is so much fun to sit back and watch her play pretend. Some of her favorites are baby dolls, kitchen and her Little People. Just another reminder of what a big girl she's becoming.
Tonight (along with our closest friends) we celebrated our joint birthday. Yes, the hubs and I share the same birthday, and we're the same age. And we're turning the big 3-0 on Monday. Fun times!
Today is totally cheating- this is from last week, and the hubs took it (though I did say I would feature a few of his pics now and then). Today has been a really long day, so no time for a fresh pic.