Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Thursday, January 25, 2007

This week...

Bible story time with Daddy


Quality time with Pops

Enjoying her book and some tummy time.

Snuggle Bunny

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Thursday, January 18, 2007

3 Months Old

It's hard to believe another month has flown by. Ella did quite a lot this last month, she went on her first plane ride, got her first shots, was baptized, and is currently battling her first cold, smiling all the while. As you can see, we are enjoying every moment with our precious girl.

As you can see Ella is losing much of her beautiful dark hair...
mommy is sad! What will she end up with is anyone's guess now!

Blowing bubbles at Daddy- her new favorite trick.

Little red chair

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Celebration of Baptism

"Every time we baptize an infant we bear witness that salvation is from God, that we cannot do any good thing to secure it, that we all enter the Kingdom of heaven therefore as little children, who do not do, but are done for."
-B.B. Warfield

Ella was baptized this morning by her great grandfather. It was a glorious occasion as we celebrated God's precious covenant.

Friday, January 12, 2007

New Cameras, New Favorites

J. and I both got new camera's recently (his is especially awesome), so needless to say we've been snapping away even more than usual. Here are a couple new favorites. Ella continues to look more like Daddy every day.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Ella took her first trip to Chattanooga last weekend. It was a week of firsts for her, her first plane ride, first meeting with Grandpa Dan and Uncle Peter, she also met her brand new cousin Ben. Our trip was short but sweet, especially because it involved spending time with her Grandpa Dan and Grandma Gini, a rare treat since they live in Spain.

First meeting with Granpa Dan.

"Talking" with Grandpa Dan.

Having fun with Grandma Gini.

Sleeping peacefully with Grandma Gini.

Monday, January 1, 2007